Love Poem: Thirsting Heart Beats
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Written by: Nate Spears

Thirsting Heart Beats

Thirsting Heart Beats
By Nate Spears
Published 2013 in “Death OF A Rose” By Nate Spears

During a moment in your deepest desires
do I ever cross your thoughts in mind 
for rehire,
while you’re clutching on your sheets of fire
cold and lonely
wanting to hold me
throughout the night
awaking into several dreams of a separation
without me 
in your life
This is bought to a reality
by a lack of understanding
of a heart given in entirety 
my love, my compassion, my good times
you insisted it was all a lie
I never claimed a proclamation of perfect
I’m wrapped in your bundle of hurting and burdens 
from opposed late love
bad decisions
hoping and wishing
that all is not lost 
in the cause of two wrongs
that were never made right
giving no guarantees
so what we adore 
is always subject to a slip,
beneath our feet and on the way down
we reach a thirsting heart 
that beats loneliness.