Love Poem: Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did
Eclaus Ekistar Avatar
Written by: Eclaus Ekistar

Things I Wanted To Say But Never Did

I wanted to tell her that her presence brought me goosebumps
And whenever I wanted to talk to her I'll experience throat lumps
She amplified my testosterone as well as my dopamine
I wanted to tell her that and sweetly ask her to be mine
I even wanted to whisper in her ears and tell her the 3 'scary' words
I once almost suggested we get high and go stone the birds
The other time I was just about to ask her for a kiss
But her best friend then appeared and away ushered my 'miss'

I wanted to tell her of that scenario but thought better of it
I hadn't ever tasted her but wanted to tell her she's sweet
Our encounters were few but my feelings were much
I wanted to open up to her wishing she'll reciprocate with some touch
I wanted to tell her she's perfect and am all she now needs
I'd argue with facts for her to judge me with my deeds
I wanted to tell her that and much more for she was my crush
But every moment I held my mouth shut for she believed men are trash.