Love Poem: These Meanings
Carolina Dasilva Avatar
Written by: Carolina Dasilva

These Meanings

At times I rather not say a word
At times I wish I was never heard

Mistakes wouldn't be noticed 
Problems never remembered 
Screams and hostility kept from bursting 

Its easier to remain in silence 
Never to awaken to the reality of the world
Pertaining to the disasters and consequences
All occuring with just one word

I shall remain a ghost to avoid and anger at most
Releiving  your insecurities 
Returning to this state of mind
This apology has been ignored
And thrown out from  your door

If there were no words
This would have been different
I would see your face again
We would be together
Never allowing this curse to defeat our friendship
Our last chance in happiness

Words can be our enemies 
and at times your friend
With the beautiful meanings making you smile and dream
Or it could destroy you causing deaths and suffering 

For I have experienced this anger and asked myself questions
What does a work really mean?
SHould it make you cry and gleam into the saddened world
Or is it just a word with no meaning?

I cannot be hurt by them
Not destroyed by the agony and sickenig emotion
I make this word my own
And now I've shown my immortality
With this belief I am not heading towards destruction
but success and trust in myself 
and the life ahead of me!!!!!!!!

I shall never let these words hurt me
For I have looked far  deeper into them than anyone has seen