Love Poem: These Deep Feelings
Andrew Crisci Avatar
Written by: Andrew Crisci

These Deep Feelings

These deep feelings...
are expressions of someone you admire;
he never dares to say 
what could make him happy...
what fills him with the impossibility of desire, 
but somehow he wishes that his heartbreak
would be forever gone for his own sake
and yours.

Why would I regret
what could have been yesterday?
Is there a reason for me today
not to remember where we met,
how you longed for my manly touch,
when the yellow moon came to watch.

These deep Feelings
are emotions that time has put on hold
for those days when we would be apart
and feel the need to be close in spirit and heart... 
holding hands, thinking of some beautiful word 
to awaken dreams.
These deep feelings
still are burning inside like they did once...
drawing us closer to make our night intense,
not knowing that loving in misty shadows
is a secret belonging only to us
abandoned to sweet whispers.