Love Poem: There Will Come a Time
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

There Will Come a Time

There Will Come A Time…

There will come a time… 
 I shall cease to be.
One day, my heavenly father will be calling me!

There will come a time…  
This home will be mine no more!
For one day soon, I’ll arrive
 at “heaven’s shore.”

There will come a time…  
My body will be “trading places>”
I shall be up yonder...  
With “angelic faces.”

There will come a time…  
I’ll not have to ponder.
When the roll of heaven is 
“called up yander!”

There will come a time… 
 My life will surely be blessed.
As I hear my savior’s call;
 “enter into heaven’s rest!”

This time I speak of will happen soon.
I’ll be in a heavenly mansion’s room!

How much time you have left.  
However you may live…
Won’t you come to Jesus?  
He’s so wiling to forgive!

HE offers life eternal.  And has YOU
 and ME in mind!
This is the day of salvation!  
Now is the accepted time!

By Jim Pemberton