Love Poem: The Wines Are Sweetest With You
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Written by: Allan Terry

The Wines Are Sweetest With You

( The Woman)
That we are neither
that we are apart
Love or freind
my loyalies lie
with my desire not to
be alone
that you are away
 from me

(The Man)
My love please don't
fry I shall be
with you again
and then we can be 

(The Woman)
That you are away I
am neither freind or
lover that you have
 selfishly allowed
 me to miss you

(the Man)
My love who have taken you
from me that you wish me
to be alone: that I have 
no one: none but you

(the Woman)
That you have reassured me
I might consider you in
my chooses. Than again
I might sweetly chant you
as Lover

(The Man)
Than I shall listen to your
 sweet voice by morning
 That I am away from you
to listen as you speak me
as Lover

( The Woman)
Such shall have us together
until than
My Love.
I shall sip the swetest
wines to
remmeber your kiss!