Love Poem: The Wind Blows In the Willows

The Wind Blows In the Willows

The wind is blowing hard
and the willow leaves are falling off 

I think the willow has always understood me
And now
It's leaves fall for me

I came here to hug it
to believe in something strong and lasting

I'm resting underneath it now 

and watching the wind whip its limbs about
 an understanding that it knows what it's like to be caught
 in a storm
I think a hurricane

I choose not to remember the storm whenever possible 

Instead I sit beneath it. 
smelling the pete and the moss and the grass
 and the earth.
 I lay my hands upon its roots stretching out around me

 and I remember how strong the tree is

This tree is hooked 
deep into the ground

It's Roots have stretched out far around it 
as wide as it's branches 

This tree above me understands you have to lock 
yourself in so tight into the true depth of this planet 

It knows you must be locked in and pulls tight
to be spared being pulled apart by
for the winds that come

I'm grateful for everything this tree teaches me

I lean into its barkiness
and wonder

 that he doesn't know my name
He never knew my name
He doesn't know my name

He will never know my name 

and all that I did was for someone I do not know

If looked at in the right way is more beautiful than if
 he did know me

 the person who I fought 
He does not know my loneliness 

I do not need his recognition
I do not need him to know my name
I only need to know
 that if our positions were crossed
 that he might for me 
Have done the same

I did what I did for love
It was my chosen cross to  bear 
he will never know my name
But still I will have been there

Any time a soldier fights in your name
Please remember they fought and pray you would do the same