Love Poem: The Ways Health Calls
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

The Ways Health Calls

What is the difference
between your highest vocational aspiration
and your better health for all aspirations?

If your answer is
like the sound of two lungs breathing,
then your are on your most promising wealthy journey
into secular with sacred integrity.

There's a health integrity thread 
humane lives follow.

Health grows among natural everyday enchanting things
that spiritually change,
But health,
like love and God, doesn't change.

People wonder about what health-trend you are pursuing,
You explain,
yet again,
about this globally sacred health thread
of wealthiest vocational time.

Health is hard for others to diversely see,
as schools for fish have issues seeing clean, clear water.

Yet, pursuing and perusing slow-grown climate health
is not hard to feel
as a beautiful enchanting thought,
if only also LeftBrain deductively proven
as definitively true
healthy democratic extended family trust.

While you listen for organic health
you can't get vocationally lost
in RightWing elitist messages.

Climate tragedies happen;
and plants
and living planets get hurt
and die;
and your climate anxiety suffers
absence of EarthHealth
becoming depressingly old
before your grandchildren's time to thrive.

Nothing you do can stop
time's sacred wealth 
of secular health 

Everything you do can start
time's sacred health
of secular wealth

Don't ever let go of this WinWin thread
breathing in 
as wealth breaths 
generously calling out.