Love Poem: The Valley of Gods
Robert Rittel Avatar
Written by: Robert Rittel

The Valley of Gods

Wind sculptured peaks mountain firmament,
sand polished rocks aged permanent.
Content of grace of many destinies,
blending shades and light sanctuaries.
Trivial visions forever to please,
scented freedom in the breeze.
Peremptory mystic clear,
sunlight beams and no fear.
Absurdity in no conduct,
smiting the chords that sucked.
Heartfelt thunder to convey,
body imprisoned portray.
Memories and voices of the orator,
wonderings at the abyss by the crater.
Lost marches by the brave,
prayers of might from the grave.
The holy coil recognized by rhythm,
eternal numbers all forgiven.
Shallow kisses with little meaning,
purpose driven preening.
Fainted lights to upper doors,
mount paradise and its floors.
Secrets of celestial treasures,
hymns in comprehending measures.
The cradle of all lights the same,
the spirit recognized its became.