Love Poem: The Truth
Erica Morgan Avatar
Written by: Erica Morgan

The Truth

The Truth is not given all the credit it is worth.
The Truth can destroy you, it could kill you, and it will hurt.

Causing pain thats unbareable, but yet we carry on.
Never realizing that such a pain could ever last this long.

Do you realize the damage its caused and the scares that it's left behind.
A broken heart may heal, but scars merely fade with time.

Scares of our mistakes, bad choices, and broken ties.
The Truth its not easily seen, when those you've trusted are behind the lies.

Often The Truth is demanded, but rarely is it received.
And you can handle The Truth, or so you've lead yourself to believe.

The Truth is that "The Truth" is nearly impossible to find.
Well isn't that my luck, I found The Truth but lost my mind.

And now here I am  broken, bitter, hurt, and sad.
Why couldn't I have been happy with The Truth I thought I had.

I thought I had a family, of those I loved and whom loved me.
Well look at what a fool The Truth has made me out to be.