Love Poem: The Thirteen Steps
Paul Beadnall Avatar
Written by: Paul Beadnall

The Thirteen Steps

"come fluttering words, come drifting words to me  . . . a Rambling Poet."

  The rising sun,  shone into her room
    takes a moment, to gather her thoughts
      gowns her morning attire with pride
        moves into her garden,astonishing nature

          Song birds and Sky Larks, fill her ears with music
            the morning air, so pure into her lungs
              last nights proposal, from her childhood sweetheart
                dwelling but, knowing what her answer will be

                   Life feeling exhilerating, future so bright
                     as the perfumed rose plant,  poised on her sill
                       her futre holds happiness,children, how many ?
                         her husband to be, awaits her response.
Sponsor      Constance La France ~ A Rambling Poet ~ 

  Contest   What is she thinking . . 

Wounds by wayside.
P. Beadnall...  16/7/11