Love Poem: The Things We Take For Granted
Andrew Crisci Avatar
Written by: Andrew Crisci

The Things We Take For Granted

The things that we take for granted
are the simple words we hold from our tongues,
much more thought should be given
to understand their deeper meaning...
have you said," Thank you. " to someone?

When I incidentally bump into people in the supermarket,
I say, " Sorry. " They smile back saying, " It's okay! "
That makes you realize that not all folks are rude....
yes, courtesy is another form of unseen kindness
that we should use more often to improve social behavior. 

When making a turn, give the right of way to pedestrians,
a courteous driver gets a stranger's smile on the way to work; 
even when there's no stop sign at the corner, let them cross,
they will react as the stranger did...remembering your gesture. 

Opening the door for anyone entering the store
makes that person's face light up with thankfulness,
and letting one go ahead of you when she or he has a couple of items,
shows your regard for that individual, never mind who's complaining behind! 

When riding the subway, train or bus on the rush hour which is entirely urban,
getting a seat is never easy...give yours to an older man or woman,
or an expecting one regardless of'll surely get a flash of gratitude!
As you can see, the things that we take for granted can enrich our lives.