Love Poem: The Symphony of Blemishes

The Symphony of Blemishes

In the moonlit tapestry, where the scars unfold,
Silent tales etched in the surface's ground,
Each mark is a chapter, a story untold,
In the silk of time, hope finds its bond.

Whispers of battles, both lost and won,
Carved on the flesh is a map of the soul.
A testament to the war begun,
In the dance of shadows, where wounds are undone.

In the symphony of blemishes, a melody hums,
Echoes of resilience, where pain succumbs.
Your skin is a canvas of profound,
Painted with the hues of attachment, where red inks are unbound.

Through valleys of healing, where strength resides,
The blackness becomes stars in celestial tides.
Embraced with tenderness by hands that care,
My desire weaves a tale beyond compare.

So, let the injury be versed in twilight's vain,
A sacred anthem where reality and dreams convene.
In your veil, a masterpiece unfolds,
Unmatched beauty is a magnificent ache where passion moulds.