Love Poem: The Saga of Margie and Tim - Both Audio and Text
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Written by: Mark Stellinga

The Saga of Margie and Tim - Both Audio and Text

“Puppy love” can be overwhelming…and is often unforgettable -

Obviously smitten by a childhood “crush”,
In his very first skirmish with - “love”, 
This little fella was led to believe
That, with help from the moon up above,
He could convey - through its mystical powers -
His love for the girl of his dreams!
Soooooooo....having been told that our lunar companion -
By using celestial beams -

Could carry his thoughts to the one he adores -
Were he merely to mention her name -
Just after midnight, he looks to the sky,
And adheres to the rules of the game. 

Wide-eyed and anxious, lit by the moon, 
With a small bedroom window to frame, 
“Margie,” he beckons - praying she hears -
As he desperately whispers her name.

Then lifting the sash - at tippy-toe-high…
And spilling his curls on the sill…
Again he appeals to his “friend” for some help…
Naively expecting it still.

Fin’ly assuming the moon - in this instance -
Has possibly failed in its search - 
But driven by needs he’s determined to fill -
Discouraged - he falls from his perch

To kneel, once again, at the edge of his bed, 
And has no more than whispered his prayer, 
When…all of a sudden…ever so faint… 
On the warmest and sweetest of air… 

A delicate breeze seems to offer a murmur, and - 
Checking the sky with a glance - 
He peers through the window - expectantly searching - 
And --- tasting his tears on the chance

That Margie has heard him – and - in her reply… 
Is unquestionably calling out -- “Tim”…
As loud as he can, he yells…“Margie…I love you”…
At last…she is answering him!

But it’s late.   The sandman is waiting, 
and, despite he’s delighted…he weeps. 
Curled up with a smile…he sniffles a while… 
and drifts through his dream… 
as he sleeps.

PS: I've now got 4 new Audio-CDs - @ 4 1/2 hours each = (62 diversely varied pieces). They’re listed on EBAY - under - “Mark Stellinga Poetry” - or available by simply contacting me at -- -- should those of you who enjoy listening to poems as well as reading them - and particularly those of you that travel - care to be so entertained. (We use safe and simple - PayPal)
