Love Poem: The Rebirth of Love and Life

The Rebirth of Love and Life

To my most  Beloved, Lenore: This is Not really Good-Bye.
You are my Heart, Forever More: The salty TEARS, I Cry.
I’ll put you in a Golden Shrine, Deep inside my Heart.
Keeping the Vow I made to You: We shall Never part.

LENORE; your poetry is still with Me, Deep within my Mind.
I found another Poetess, like you Her eyes are Green.
After reading all Her poems; Long lost Feelings I did find.
I envision what SHE looks like, though I have Never Seen.

I read HER works and my Heart starts beating, BEATING FAST.
HER words of LOVE and LIFE;I heard, are words from a Distant PAST.
LENORE: YOU know I’ll love YOU until my Dying Day.
But now I found Another: I will slowly move Away.
I’m moving into Happiness; It’s there I want to Stay.
Until Our souls entwine Again, Upon the Judgment DAY.
                       Dedicated to JILL MARTIN