Love Poem: The Reason For Living
Meru Groen Avatar
Written by: Meru Groen

The Reason For Living

When you live in the moment, and the awareness of it touches the skin,
there is a rush of joy.  The vast space in which our consciousness roams, seeks 
to fill it with experience.  Past memories are relived over and over, to suffer 
through some and to find lost love in others.  Yet to be in the realm of presence,
is to understand better, the life of a sickly body, a delusional mind, and a jealous ego!  This is when we have to be more than our everyday self.  When time disappears and stillness abides.  True, everyone struggles, when difficulties arise and faith is lost.  Yet we engage this game.  To explore the limits of time and space, and a life that ends in death!  Our journey takes us to the places we need to go.  In order to fulfill the destiny of who we really are, and not who others think we should be.  This life of karmic design, must have it's reasons why.  Life is an opera of joys and sorrows.  We are to use the brain, yet follow the heart.
To let the balance even out, For the loss in the world, is equal to the gain.  When all that are here born, upon this world of legend, have but one way out.  The pyramids, they were built to last.  They have passed well, the test of time, and with scratches on rocks, send us their ardent message, that love is all that matters, and that it is...the reason for living!
