Love Poem: The Plastic Girl and the Tramp
Charmaine Chircop Avatar
Written by: Charmaine Chircop

The Plastic Girl and the Tramp

You're   a plastic girl,a tarry girl
your wrinkles hid so well,
you're a spoilt girl
drinking  best flowing french champagne,
first class cuban cigars,
owner of so many latest convertible cars.

You're a perfect woman living your dream,
money coming your way like a stream,
rich men you chose,you had one aim
using them as your stepping stones to fame,
you're so insane.

You're growing old,
no one would guess 
if left untold.
You still look the beauty to behold.
Collagen have shaped your skin,
riches have ruined  your heart,
so deep within.

Where is your identity,
have you lost it my friend?
have it flown away with your riches,and found its end?
can you go back to the simple girl you were,
can you at least pretend?

You were a common girl with junky cars,
you were a shop girl selling jam in jars,
In the evening we used  to sit at your porch
counting stars,saying silly jokes,singing,
together we had the nicest  kind of living

Your kind heart i never forget,
now you turned so selfish and mean,
 that's my greatest regret.
I remember so well,the tramp of the street,
You had only some food,but  you always
gave him a share of your feed.
That same tramp you see today
you look at him and say
"Go away you filthy tramp,
i didn't grow up with you not true,
i don't know you, not my friend,you're a nobody
you're disgrace to society.

Ow my friend your heart so cold,
you're growing old.
In fancy restaurants you dine,
but i know 
You were much happy when you were on the porch
adding the stars,drinking cheap wine.

My friend,my plastic tarry girl,
i wish you well,
your friend of the porch,the tramp!
is the same rich man you're holding hand,
Its me!" i love you my old plastic girl,
the only man of your life who knew you so well,
Will you marry the porch boy,the rich man?
Will you marry the once born as tramp?"

The plastic girl and the tramp!!-charma