Love Poem: The One That Got Away

The One That Got Away

You visit me in dreams…
Phantom of broken hearts, you materialize, 
With a seductive smile on your lips – 
And dagger blades in your liquid eyes…
Casanova of breathing corpses is what you are; 
You murder young girls, with your charm – 
Tell them they’re beautiful, 
And before they know it they’re disarmed – 
And writhing in your embrace, doomed…
Fated to become just another notch on your bedpost, 
Another number on your tally sheet 
And then reduced to mere ghosts
I was just another one of them, I know
To me you were a god, gorgeous and divine; 
To you I was just a breathing toy 
I was stupid to think you could ever be mine
I should have known of course  
I had seen how the others had fallen 
But somehow as soon as your lips touched mine, 
All of their pain and heartache was forgotten 
I thought that maybe this time would be different 
That I could teach you how to love, to care…
God, what a fool I was – 
Your heart always was too small to share
There is only enough room for you 
No one else can squeeze or force their way inside 
That’s why when you got bored of me 
I was just tossed callously aside 
Another corpse for the graveyard, 
Another broken toy for the bonfire 
And you, wolf-like, stalked into the night 
Searching for another woman to quench your insatiable desire 
Leaving me here in the dark, 
Tears on my pillow, staining my pallid face 
With a battered bleeding heart – 
And all this love rotting, and going to waste…