Love Poem: The Night Jesus Saved Her
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Written by: Tina Hoffman

The Night Jesus Saved Her

November 27, still fresh in my mind. It was the year 1997, and the night my daughter died. Her daddy came home drunk that night, she had a cold and was laying in her crib. When she started to cry, I feared the worst, and worst did happen, and I was left all alone. Jesus saved her that night, from the pain and the suffering, but I was left without my daughter, and nobody to show me love. A tiny little baby, only four weeks old, did not have the chance to say "Good Bye!" She was so innocent, and knew of no faults. Just a small little soul, had no chance in this life. This year I will not be celebrating Hallow's Eve, this was her birthday, and the day I was happy my daughter came into my life. November 27th, was the day that she died, but it was also my birthday, and the day I wished I had died. Her daddy was sentenced to life in prison, no parole, and no chance of escape. My daughter will not be spending no holidays with me, and I will never hear "Happy Mother's Day, Mommy. I love you so much!" My birthday used to be special to me at one time, but to me it is only a dreaded memory of the death of my little angel. Jesus will show her daddy no mercy, cause an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. With arms wide open, I run to the Lord, He feels my pain and He feels my sorrow. The flashbacks still haunt me of that dreary night, but I must learn to manage and learn to cope. My daughter may be dead within my mind, but in my heart, my daughter always lives.