Love Poem: The Night Class

The Night Class

There was never a time, 
Learning is ever fun studying alone. 
Enjoying hitting the books exploring to the prime, 
Is always great in crazy zone.  

We are never satisfied unremitting. 
Each hardly goes a day off alone studying;
Doing assignments compulsorily committing 
The bones to fearful low CGPA remedying  

We choose night class as our checkmate, 
But it was never been done voluntarily.  
Like seriously copying notes get us acclimate, 
And time heals; goings get merrily. 

Instead studying, we enjoy chatting, 
While writing notes with minds keenly  interested. 
Dream(s)  close(s) our darling hearts' drill combating... 
With school's needs that can't get nature's wants arrested. 

Whereas, failure never shows concerns, 
And no one thought of change. 
Here and there, the right time adjourns, 
Chasing our grace to the fullest becomes really strange. 

For no man stand to trail us away, 
And all day is of no difference. 
Like some other years back betray, 
Peer group's pressure filled duty its influence. 

With both( Anu O'Dayo and Balikeez), I am not me or them;
Blending has been so great, 
Blushing badly knee tension with cardizem. 
How joy kiss to easily prorate! 

With them, I find love: an improved mutuality. 
Reading has been so fun, 
Learning comes naturally, gaming mentality. 
What has life got out of everyone? 

We learnt a valuable lesson;
You never change anyone else, 
You either love or leave a blessing... 
Bringing around SHARES, the present forever caress.