Love Poem: The Music of Purity

The Music of Purity

On my way towards the castle made of gold and silver
I saw something which made my stride falter
It was the sight of a child
Sweet, innocent and wild

She was like an angel
So beautiful, with the spark of a most precious jewel
Oblivious to everything around her
She danced, and danced, and danced to her own tempo!

Stopped I in my stride,
Wondering at the cause of this masquerade
A masquerade yes, for the child danced while no music was heard
The child danced and sang aloud

Was it part of a show, maybe a circus show
I wondered, how would she end, where would she go?
I stopped, right on my way, sat under the shade of a tree
And watched, her, this child, dancing to the tunes of mystery

The child cared not about me
She danced and danced for the sake of being free
She danced till the moon showed itself
She danced all night till dawn showed itself

Then, she stopped, looked at the skies and breathed out heavily
She was tired, but, she would start again, she said so humbly
She needed some rest
And that was when she came to sit next to me

Why do you dance that much I asked her
What is there to do in this world, sick with fever
She told me
While looking at me pointedly

People just run after their needs, satisfying their greed
People run after life at fast speed
Caring not to appease their soul
Why, life here in this world, does be so dull

If death does be the end of it all
Why, why should we care to run after castles of gold
Take the time, like me, to dance and glorify the skies
So mysterious, they do be there where the beginning of it all lies

Listen, she said, listen to the bells of angels
Listen to the call of Heaven
Listen, pray do listen
And dance, for they be the only true music, in this world, so fallen

Listening to that child,
I felt my stride getting all mild
I let go of my chase
And became, like her, a spirit living up to the rhythms emanating from space!

I dance whenever I hear the music
That one, being called as mystic
I dance and care not about anybody's opinion
For, they are all blinded by the false show of this world's oblivion!

30 Sept 2015