Love Poem: The Mushy Poem

The Mushy Poem

I'm left spellbound with her beauty
Speechless moments encounter each inspired attraction
Engaging our passion with mother nature
As the birds tweet familiar love songs
Smirks grow gently across her cheeks
Leaving me soundless as every smile across her face
Melts tender spots in my heart
Whispering poetic metaphors that leave me love struck
Sending me to heaven with the simplicity in her eyes and
Divined silhouettes that travel around our souls
Attaching our imperfections perfectly together
I'd rather make this moment in time last forever
Than to outlive another second without her
Desired kisses entangle sweetness between our sins
And her poetic beauty speaks to me through our intimate moments
Enchanting the essence of love at first sight and
Submerging our resistance for one another
To form butterflies that swarm in my stomach
Leaving me a hopeless romantic for her lips
Pursuing conversation with the stars
While the moon glitters across her halo
Laying in the sand as the ocean's wave utters mild hello's
Her purest thoughts mend their way through the tingles of my flesh
Stroking her curves across the shore and glistening her skin
While she resides her essence peacefully against my torso
Sound asleep to the sound of every thump that my heart beats
She speaks to me in her dreams...
The sound of her voice leaves me with a sweet gentle tear of joy
That drops from my vision
And instills itself in the palm of her hand...
This is a love I can't understand so
I continue to ask myself,
Why should I have to wait until the next lifetime to fulfill her deepest wishes?
If I'm blessed, I'll be honored to share her emotions in this lifetime and the next....