Love Poem: The Moon King
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Written by: Steve Downes

The Moon King

Poor little Moon King
trapped inside a gilded cage
within the marble prison walls
the cage is painted
and the marble held up with balsa wood
a fake fairy-tale façade
castles in the clouds
ladies in classical poses
battles never won
nor even fought
locked in frozen frescos
as trapped as the poor little Moon King
insulated from the cruel sisters
modernity & society
having anything you want
except what you really need
the sisters cannot let you bare
flesh and soul
crying to sleep
in the silken cradle
an empty shell
an unnatural fondness forbidden
yet tasted behind the closed door
a self-deluded love lost among luxuries

Oh Ludwig how you wished so hard
the sun would shine
on your chivalric dreams
alone lamenting at the balustrade
you are the Moon King
forever in plaster and paint
out shined
hag-ridden highness
hiding behind a pile of stones and pretty
poor little Moon King