Love Poem: The Moon and the Sun Lied

The Moon and the Sun Lied

The dark night fell 
The evening mist embraced my cold breast
But your love always warmed me up
How could you have had any doubts that I loved you?

When I was in your bed
I was king
Out of it I became a romantically deprived fool
seeking love like all idiots

The moon and the sun cheered for me
they told me you and I were eternal
I believed them
I felt in my marrow we would last forever

Do I have to be bound naked, dragged on sharp rocks,
have you watch my blood spill in the dirt and mix with my tears?
Would that have been enough for you to know the depth of my love?
Would it?

But shortly thereafter, tigers came into our life
and tore you from me
the moon and the sun
are ignoramuses I shouted!

But you rejoiced in your freedom
new blood 
new lovers
new ways to make love 
new hearts to break

Later, you had four kids that furthered changed you 
I railed at the moon and sun’s lies 
I told them I could have loved you better than anybody 
“It’s not our fault," the sun replied, "she chose others.” 

And so my life went, 
later I learned nothing remains the same 
everything changes and young skin once so proud
weathers and wrinkles like all skin does

The choices people make to explore greener pastures 
Have a payback burden
For you it's your kids and wrinkles
And for me it's that I still love you.