Love Poem: The Meaning of Most of My Words- First Possible Entry of Anne's Contest
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Written by: Wayland Bunch

The Meaning of Most of My Words- First Possible Entry of Anne's Contest

I sit and hardly have to ponder what words I write
There is more trouble keeping these feelings at bay
Sometimes I live in the day, but mostly it’s at night

Since our departure life has been a struggle, a fight
I have been forever devastated, looking for my way
I sit and hardly have to think of the words to write

I sometimes get angry at you and show some spite
I express here, but in person don’t know what to say
Sometimes I live in the day, but mostly it’s at night

I now view myself as a soul living by moonlight
Really, I’m sad, although I find the words to play
I sit and hardly have to ponder what words I write

Always there is someone telling me this is not right
Have they even ever really felt love, even one day
Sometimes I live in the day, but mostly it’s at night

The journey has been long and suffering is my plight
I am a lost soul of the night, riveted and left to sway
I sit and hardly have to think of the words I write
Sometimes I live in the day, but mostly it’s at night

penned 3/22/2013 by Wayland Bunch for Anne's favorite poetry form: Villanelle contest

Repetition, no not of form, that is forced, repetition of ideas, maybe even of some phrases is sadly unavoidable, without having to read all of my poems again. It is not intended and I may take further time to develop a better Villanelle, in fact I probably will, but I want to get this contest started lol.