Love Poem: The Man Who Cures
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Written by: Sasha Pelaez

The Man Who Cures

The man who cures is a man
 of a pure heart.
 Who's intention is to heal those
 who suffer from ache, pain, loneliness,
 and the identity of being human race.
 He not only exists in our minds, but
 in our daily lives.
 You can't  touch him or see him, but
 the presence of him is amongst us.
 The man who cures is a man who
 planted the life of everyone, and still
 exists in us like no other man does.
 He is a man who's endless love 
 will exist to the end of the world.
 The man who cures is a  man who 
 loved the world as he loved me.
 The man who cures is a man who
 grants a life of eternity with no bondage,
 but to love him with no restraints.