Love Poem: The Light of Castine
Jeff W. Watson Avatar
Written by: Jeff W. Watson

The Light of Castine

My love and I we took a ride
One beautiful Spring morn late May
Through the winding Maine countryside
We headed over Castine way

We came this way times before
To charming Castine town
Now we had come again once more
To visit an old friend we found

With time to enjoy the scenery
As time slows down in Maine
Over hills of bright flowers and greenery
Quaint little harbors and bays

The road wound into town
We followed it down dockside
We found a bench and sat down
To watch the boats and rolling tide

We held hands and watched the bay
Listened to the seagulls cry
It couldn’t have been a more perfect day
To share with my love by my side

In the shining sun we sat and talked
Of the day, our future, our past
A small boat slid up and docked
Her Captain tied her down fast

In quiet love we sat some more
Staring out onto the bay
With dreams of a life on this distant shore
A tugboat slipped out and sailed away

Our hearts full of joy and most content
We left the dock to be on our way
We still had to visit our friend
We came to see from far away

As we came upon the place
Tucked away on the edge of town
The smiles fell from our face
At the solemn sight we had found	

We stood in disbelief
This place we loved to come to
Was robbed of life by a fiery thief
Escaped one night from the chimney flu

Standing tall was Dyce Head Light
Our old friend had suffered great loss
The Keeper’s house one April night
Was ravaged by fire at quite a cost

Sadly we walked the path well worn
Down through the trees and flowers
To the stairs that led down to the shore
‘Neath the blinking red eye of the iron tower

A skeleton replaced the old storm-farer
Whose view now blocked by trees
On the rocks we sat holding each other
Lost in our thoughts and memories

We looked out over the water
The sun was now covered by clouds of grey
We thought we saw a sea otter
And puffins playing in the waves

With heavy hearts we turned to leave
Climbed the stairs to the path through the trees
Stopped at a clearing once more to see
With hope and a sigh and memories

Steadfast strong old Dyce Head Light
Standing alone, sad and forlorn
Newly dressed in a fine coat of white
Your Keeper’s house, life from it shorn

Noble Dyce Head standing full height
Your light for us will forever shine
Even without lens you gleam ever bright
In our hearts and in our minds

Perhaps one brighter future day
With hope to find you restored and whole
My love and I shall return from away
To the light of Castine, her heart and her soul