Love Poem: The King
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Written by: Brittany Martin

The King

O! Leaves are crisped and it was just fall
       overlooking us through the teary window.
           Ay! They seek me sipping the crystalline wine
And they admire your charms, looks, whispering, "He is fine."

E! Tis the nightfall of slumber watching us,
        admiring you and I.  You were king and I, a princess,
            overruling the season fall to a distant palace of possible romance.
And I've heard them yelp with glee, cheer with the rainfall of water as they dance.

But even fall was nervous to let you know I am waiting for just a kiss,
         They listen to our past of love.  I had nothing but you were already in a romance.
               To me I felt high for you, it is true.  The earth knows I am falling for
the royalty.
But through the night, you fall to your velvet and silk, I get a little blue and feel
terribly empty.

When the sky is lit filled in sun rays and sunshine,
        I wished for it conquered to the night, hoping for another chance.
               But even the fall knew, the night was lazy and tired.  No more, no more, no
My heart drags for a kiss, to sip for wine and to seek for the king just once more.