Love Poem: The Highland Princess
James Fraser Avatar
Written by: James Fraser

The Highland Princess

In the Pacific sun
On their gleaming white yacht
A journey ahead
This two sailors sought
On their Highland Princess
Their eight berthed babe
Fishing trips
Moonlight serenades
Moments captured
With rod and line
Moments absorbed
With a kiss and fine wine
Starry skies
Heaven above
The roll of the waves
Captain and his dove
Moonlight fishing
Many a catch
This dove and her captain
In human attach
On the mirrored waters
Calm and serene
The aura of two
Bright moonbeams
A toast of the two
Before they retire
In the Pacific heat
Little want for attire
Below they head
Discussing their night
The captain and dove
Pillow talk, might?
They awake in the morning
To the deck they ascend
In the Pacific sun
No more they pretend