Love Poem: The Faded Rose
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Written by: Cynthia Alvez

The Faded Rose

Who dared
toss aside this rose,
thorny and pale,
thirsty in morning shade.

Who dared
let her linger
all alone outside
the garden walls.

Alone she lay
fragrance dull,
edges wiltered
a colorless bloom
of long ago.

You shall be mine
whispered his voice
touching her with
gentle hands.

He placed her again
where sun would caress
her face for hours all day
to bring back her blush
and perfumed radiance.

How did he know
everyone whispered,
How did he know what
it was she needed?

I knew her when she was
Young and in full bloom
and her fragrance lingered
where all recgonized
her sweet aroma.

I knew her when she was
beautiful and she shall
be again.
I will treasure her,
Until the end.

In his garden she did grow
Beautiful and strong.
People came from miles around
To see her beauty, beyond
Of other roses anywhere.

He nourished her, to
Bring back her smile,
In sunlight she bloomed
Her color grew deep and pure
As morning dew kissed and 
caressed her.

'Twas in the bliss of being loved,
Her beauty was restored...
It was all a rose needed to be 
Beautiful in the world again.

Saved by love because he knew,
Ah yes, he knew!

C. Alvez