Love Poem: The dead Titanic love

The dead Titanic love

The dead Titanic love

Once upon a time, a ship sank in the sea, there were lives and loves on it
That was a long time ago, maybe I was alive then
But I lost my life on the land
It will never be mine, I will never be mine, yours is mine
My life has become a mess
Nature miscarried me
From the thicket, I take up my poor but spiritually rich life again
He asked for a miscarriage
I know I can live
Hope has become yours

Weeds will become blooms, I dig the flower bed
It's just imagination, reality is dreaming
Spiritual wealth belongs to a woman
Mine is a mere fraud
My house is yours
It should be family
There will be a living world of desire

Oh, so many thoughts are flying through my mind
Kind and angry wasps
Live there, and I'll write my house over to you
Children should play and laugh there
Dear woman, woman, I accept you
Live there
And I will travel the world, and I will
I will help you, I will support you
I'm William

I would like a woman, a woman
It would be my world
My muse.

I don't find it.
No results.

Life does not support me
I'm the silent dead
I cry even as a dead person and I walk and walk among the dead who live there

I walk among graves, I await my death
Although my death, my longing, has already been fulfilled

I'm dead
I want babies.

I broke it.