Love Poem: The Coward and the Thief
Kate  Davies Avatar
Written by: Kate Davies

The Coward and the Thief

I saw you there that night in October
Tired leaves had began their fall
The autumn ground burdened.

Your hand held there on the small of my back
Pulled me in closer still
Until my stomach churned.

Is there fear in such known sorrows?

Your familiar scent felt so cumbersome
It pushed me toward the floor
My naive nostrils burned.

Was it sandalwood? No, it was cedar.

The pain once suffered mattered to me no more
You gazed upon my ghosted heart
Saw love you hadn't earned.

I was a coward and you were a thief.

I allowed false endearments to be my guide
Bewitched again under your spell
Every fibre of me mourned.