Love Poem: The Choice Is Never Ours

The Choice Is Never Ours

The world was on fire, no one could save me but you - "Chris Isaak - Wicked Game"
Yes, the world was on fire,
Set ablaze by those powers ruling over us all
And I, stood there,
Drenched in sweat,
Wanting to vomit, feeling suffocated,
Yet, full of life,
As I knew that you were there,
To haul me up onto those pink clouds
Drawn and painted for us both
By the Gods!

But you made it clear
That you would save me not
Choosing, rather, to be the prince charming
Of someone else,
And I, left to my own plight,
Could only look at the fires fearfully,
Wondering at how painful the pain of being burnt
Would feel!

But then, I chose to dive into those fires on my own,
Our human stories in a fallen world,
Had already been written for us
Before we were even assigned a mortal womb
And if those powers had bid that it be so
Why fight 
Why cry over its spilt milk?

You could save me not
And I got engulfed in those fires,
They fell in love with me,
Made of me their own Queen,
And I rule now,
Over them,
As boldly as would a Goddess of Water
Knowing that better it is to follow
The course of fate,
Being after all,
A confused intelligence 
Revolving in a meaningless world!

Written on 14 Feb 2020
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