Love Poem: The Cat and the Fish
Christuraj Alex Avatar
Written by: Christuraj Alex

The Cat and the Fish

The gap is so minutely thin,
Almost in his mouth is their fin;
A thin film of water divides,
Slides their line of touch and face hides...!

Mouth-water-wetting cat ponders,
His mind, in wings of thought, wanders;
Fish successfully gets him bluffed,
Yet, he does not show he is cuffed...!

The urge of his heart is at peak,
His taste buds a fish-bit does seek;
A disappointment shadows him,
Determination too goes grim...!

Did he get them at all? Don't know,
Don't know at last his face did glow;
Midst wishes sometimes failures fall,
Life's, yet, an existential call...!!!