Love Poem: Still in love with you
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Written by: Silent One

Still in love with you

In my diary of destinies, your song left a sweet scar. In the silent savagery of time, fate falters, floating like a feather, yet my soul still sings your name. In ivory and ebony hues of hollowness, you bring colours to my monochromatic existence. I find no wonderment in worthless words, losing patience with pondering in poetic passions. Intrinsic ink no longer flows in unwavering waves, yet my thoughts won't stop my heart from bleeding, seducing me to rewrite our tale in cranberry skies. We've been engraving metaphors into our souls, portraying purple star kissed tulips between our poems, blossoming bronze blushing gardenias in my love garden. When the last petal falls as prose like personification, I'll place you gently in between unread chapters, for you're the embodiment of my poetry of colours. I gaze beyond enchanting hills draped in green silk, wondering if love was a thorn less rose in an empty desert, would it perish like lonesome lips without your kiss? My muse is floating towards your majestic shores, but will I be cursed with a thousand springs without you? Distance can be cruel with melanin dreams and muted nights, serenading sweet symphonies and melancholic melodies. In my beloved's oasis, maybe jasmines have thistles too, like beautiful memories of a once majestic masterpiece. The horizons to your eyes can be violet, marigold or indigo, you could be a lily, lotus or an orchid in fluorescent orchards, just don't abandon me to bloom under midnight tones, as my forever ends with you under sapphire skies, as your eternal gardener radiating in saffron rosy rays.