Love Poem: Remembering Mortality
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Remembering Mortality

I wonder if something essential
to my individual identity,
our diverse ego centers,
must become recognized as waning,
on it's
decomposing way toward death,
absence of hope for infinite future physical ego-integrity,
before it becomes possible to grab on to CoOperative Promise
with my more inductive eco-centering feeling left hand
to grow again from non-dominant
embryonic RightBrain organic seasonal beginnings
of listening for global multicultural integrity,
that matriarchal matters more, some Advent seasons,
and equally, during transitional birthing seasons,
and sometimes less revolutionary
yet still dipolar co-arising ego's relentless waning.

Not just knowing death as incoming (0)-sum absence
of capacity to return love offered,
fear threatened,
but also gratitude for each eco-normative relationship
having become matriarchal integrity reborn,
some gone before already
and yet many to continue on
throughout this our eco-operating lines.

It is in my ego vulnerability
that Earth's continuous matriarchal rebirth
grows reweaving
both within my personal landscape
and across this our ecopolitical global climate.