Love Poem: Quince
Faire Lucas Avatar
Written by: Faire Lucas


they say one man's trash is another man's treasure, that's what Quince tells me....

they think of girls in a violent and sick way, that's what quince tells me....

they laugh at jokes that make no sense and start a fight for the fun of it, but why is
Quince so different....

he tells me stories and makes me laugh, he says we're going down the right path, he
listens to my rambles and smiles, his love makes my life worth while....

driving home from work,
i'm feeling worried,
my phone rings and I pick it up
what's comes next makes me hurry....

Quince was out buying me flowers, a drunk man had came in the shop, carrying a gun he held
it high, he was a lost and confused guy,Quince tried to persuade him, telling him it was
alright, but that one ignorant man killed my Quince, not just one shot, but over and over

i'm at the hospital and they tell me to stay quiet, i'm sobbing and yelling, making a huge
riot, but then as I come into his room I immediately stopped, his heart had been shot....

he tells me not to worry as I look with wide-eyed, he tells me its ok, he knows I'm going
to cry, and with my hand he pulls me close, with one kiss I lose control.....

he died the next morning, a smile on his lovely face, I knew he was going to die, but the
image I dread, I looked at the table next to him, and sitting by his water was a letter
that read....

This was perfect and I know it sounds strange, but I wanted to die this way, and not by
getting shot but by being by you, watching  you cry was my rain, seeing you smile showed
me the light, holding your hand kept me safe at night, seeing your emotions one at a time,
a rainbow escaped you and I joined the ride, your sweet kisses i'll miss, I love you my
darling and always will