Love Poem: Poetry Never Dies

Poetry Never Dies

When that time comes and the reaper sows

the trap door’ hinges open up a hopeful gap

music from the underworld entices grace

with one ultimate decisive stride in lockstep

of Self vagaries union and agonizing pleas

A wise man carefully narrates his memories

an opus eulogy fat volume or a single word

carved out from promise of never-ending love

his memoir about to fade when ink has dried

a hero’s last whisper on parched paper byes 

The scythe man took his time as if to tease

out a last drop of conscience from the soul

lying beyond mind reason feeling final call

a clean rapid death is all he dares to request

in quest for a few quiet moments in repose

What’s left behind is nothing like the journey

full steam ahead into an unknown new realm

a ply-board coffin and rose petals on the grave

unless he wished for ashes scattered into wind

once the kiss of life draws its ultimate breath

08th April 2021