Love Poem: Not This Time
Kimberly Williams Avatar
Written by: Kimberly Williams

Not This Time

Not all are the same 
If one mess up all take the blam
It use to be like that with me 
But then I relized every one is a little diff
I wish I could take it back to the ole days on how it use to be
The brotha's that treat you right 
You did your thang and he did what he had to do to keep her around
That person I have not yet found 
What happen to the grls that use to treat they men right
And love and do what eva it take to keep him each and every night
That person would be me
Men, Boi's, Women, Grl's, just aint how they supose to be
I mean what I am saying is....
I'm that grl to hold him down
I'm that grl that'll most likely when he's hurt beside his fam that'll be around
I'm that grl when we sex or make love that make him weak
Weak for my love 
I want that dude I know who will maintain