Love Poem: New Pslams#1
Steven Coleman Avatar
Written by: Steven Coleman

New Pslams#1

Lord you and the father tell me to be pacent and I try!I will praise you till I die!I will praise 
thee all of my days! mY ENEMIES increase as they decrease but thou annoit me with love 
and light!They have no mercy on me,trapped and in prison but still I am free!Evil forces 
increase on me daily!I labor reading your word but I cherish labor!I call apone you lord and 
father each moring and do do wonderous works in thine name!I travel in spirit and bring 
good and bad spirits to me!I do marvous things lord Jesus,father Johovia!Lift me up and 
shine your love down on me for my anger is kindled everyday and I am just a man!Let your 
fire build in me and I will fight for your precious son as I fight for you father!Thou too are the 
only too of worship!Holy spirit you show me wonderous things,my faults and sins are 
forgiven by you oh lord!My life Ido not care for on this earth,for I am immortal in you oh 
father!Iwill be the preacher and the reaper of the harvest of souls!The wicked one is against 
me and all his minions are after me,still I will not rest,felter or fall!Stand beside me,guide me 
on my way show them everyday!And Iwill callapone you everytime I pray!Peace and serinity 
for my country I pray and Iwill do it everyday!