Love Poem: Mother and Child
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Written by: Anisha Dutta

Mother and Child

  Behind each person there is a woman who raises up the being,   
   gets child acquainted with world, the MOTHER.
                                                      Mom is source of light
                                             Luminous glow in delight.
                                               Path of child being bright.
Throughout life Mom is always a Giver expecting nothing from child in return. Mother-child bond is greatest bond in emotional arena. None can predict whether child would turn good or bad. But Motherly feelings can never turn ill.
                   Whether bad or good   
                       Child might turn on adulthood.
                               Mom is never rude.
   Child is priority to Mom, mostly an obsession during childhood. It is Nature. On part of Mom, it is too hard to accept the fact that after being grown up offspring chooses own life as a complete separate entity.
                                                Birdie fed in nest
                                        stays in quiet peace and rest
                                                   looking for forest.
    Mom sacrifices everything for her child always praying best. If grown-up child just walked away not looking back, she will shower blessing not cursing.
    As Spring falls nonstop, mother’s love flows ceaseless boundless. But, Mom is caretaker not owner of child. Nature acts more cruelly in insect world.
                             Eggs of some insects
                            nourished by body juices.
                               Mom sacrifices.
    Maternal urge compels Mom to care for child but she can neither treat offspring as her property nor expect to take care of herself in old age. If she can get exact same love and care from grown-up child she is most fortunate. 
        When grown-up child says
                               Mom, you are the light
                            of my life. To choose path right,
                            I owe to your sight.
    A proud and happy Mom will answer
                        Dear child, I may bless
                 Your goal, if you can access, 
                        I think: My success.
  Child is highest pride if you guide your child to fulfill dream and paying gratitude to you.          
  07/28/17  Contest by Cecelia Hopkins Drewer