Love Poem: Mother
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Written by: Wilbert Webb


I knew her when the seed was placed; I am part of her,
I knew her as I first breathed air, her touch was comfort.
She was with me as I was pure, she taught me, nurtured me,
I was sure to be, everlasting, as she was part of me.

Mother knew, just what to do and in my case, experience
Was not lacking as mother had ten and we all knew her well,
When the seed was placed, we are part of her.

She was with us when we were pure, she taught us, nurtured us,
we were sure to be, everlasting, as she was, we are.

Our lives went forward and branched in different ways.
Our lives branched forward; we are all here to confess,
Mother knew, just what to do and say that was for our best.

Older now we bear witness, of many grand memories,
Mother knew, just what to say and do, what was for our best.

Some have not yet realized the best she gave was free,
As was given to her she passed in kind for all of us to have,
She gave what was free

As long as breath is within my being, hopefully full and a
Reflection of her, I’ll always give witness everlasting

As Mother is part of me.

Copyright 2011 
Bert Webb