Love Poem: Maybe
Angela Moore Avatar
Written by: Angela Moore


Maybe I’m the world’s biggest fool; maybe my heart deceives my head,
Maybe I’m just paranoid; maybe I’m as dumb as you think I am.

Maybe she calls you everyday, and you whisper behind my back,
Maybe you tell her you love her still and you see her every chance you get.

Maybe after you hang up the phone, it is then that you turn to me,
Telling me all the lies, the things, you think maybe I will believe.

Maybe your lies; you justified, maybe I made it too easy in fact,
Maybe I didn’t see the forest for the trees, and yet, maybe you wanted that.

Maybe somewhere, between here and there, loyalty evaded your soul.
Maybe you were feigning integrity; for now you ignore moralities code.

Maybe things could’ve been different, maybe there were things I should have 
Maybe I should leave well enough alone, and delete these pictures in my head.

Maybe you’re just drawn that way; tendencies of your past profess?
Maybe you’ve no compassion for me; maybe you’ve no heart in your chest.

Maybe accepting this gift-my love, given unconditionally and for free,
Maybe you see no value in that which comes so easily.

Maybe my love’s worth, but a grain of salt to you, and maybe I won’t even be 
Maybe my absence will be celebrated, a champagne toast to commemorate my 

Maybe all the things you say and do, you do only for you,
And pretending that you do anything for me makes me a liar and a fool.

Maybe the act of clinging to what, little kindness you toss my way,
Maybe it is this weakness you’ve found, compelling you to exploit me this way.

Maybe you use this new, old love; in the same conveniently, disposable way,
Using us all to get what you want; abusing everyone who stands in your way.

Maybe you were never committed to us; maybe I bored you to tears,
Maybe you let your love for me, be consumed by all your fears.

Maybe I thought more of you, maybe more than anyone could expect,
And maybe I shouldn’t be angry or hurt; instead, maybe I’ve truly been blessed.

Maybe you saw such faith in me, watching as I was put to this test,
That in envy of such fortitude you vowed, to smash my conviction to bits.

Maybe when I prayed to God in love, having faith that He’d know best,
Maybe the answer to all my prayers was to be so sufferingly blessed.

Maybe this cross is too burdensome to bear, for such anguished distress its true,
Yet still I wonder how I will fare here now, with a heart that is broken in two.