Love Poem: Ma and Me
Andrew John Avatar
Written by: Andrew John

Ma and Me

Did you think, ma, that I,
your son, getting older,
would be writing to you?
You think it's a strange thing to do?

      UNSUPPORTED CODE We rarely ever wrote letters, son,
     so much in touch we were.
     We shared a home for so long
     until you found a relationship. UNSUPPORTED CODE  

You do seem to disapprove
of much that I am, ma.
Approved of a relationship, in general, yes,
but the one that I have?

      UNSUPPORTED CODE Oh, I do want you to have someone,
     love someone, introduce me to someone,
     walk with, talk to, love that someone.
     But . . .  UNSUPPORTED CODE 

Yes, you give me that  UNSUPPORTED CODE But UNSUPPORTED CODE  . . .
You really disapprove of my partner,
because, well because,
this is a he? Yes a he . . .

      UNSUPPORTED CODE Oh, you must enjoy your life,
     and I'll always be here for you.
     And I do want you to have a relationship,
     but, well, I think, er, well . . . UNSUPPORTED CODE 

(Jul 2022)