Love Poem: Live Love Laugh
Arlene Smith Avatar
Written by: Arlene Smith

Live Love Laugh

Lavish in the glorious privilege of being,
indulging in the incessant buffet of creation's sensuous               
Venture across seas of curiosity, diving fathoms to
  grasp the mysterious.
Embrace the immortality of your soul.

Let your compassion for humanity be a welcoming
oasis to the lonesome weary traveler; a
vessel of hope to those drowning in destitution.
Embelish your crown with jewels of kindness and 

Leave solemness and weeping to judges and mourners.
Allow your inner child to come out and play,
unleashing a contagion of smiles and tomfoolery.
Gift yourself and those around you an elixer of bubbly 
  merriment to 
heal an epidemic of melancholy souls.