Love Poem: Kindness and Afterlife
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Written by: Moon Flower

Kindness and Afterlife

Spreading the good news
Spreading the kindness
Kindness keeps spreading
Kindness heals rascals
Rascals were lying
Rascals and the pope
Pope and Cardinals
Pope re-entered Rome
Rome the papal territory
Rome the city of roman religion
Religion has no office hours
Religion as a set of an ‘unseen’ being
Being a light to others
Being Christian is more than being good
Good name as a personal integrity
Good progress that grows hopeful
Hopeful to have time for others
Hopeful for the kind of love
Love of God and love of neighbor
Love is patient
Patient means being peaceful
Patient means being merciful
Merciful and being considerate
Merciful God
God hides inside you
God as the Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit is God’s power in action
Holy Spirit has nine fruits
Fruits of gentleness
Fruits of faithfulness
Faithfulness being “divine persuasion”
Faithfulness means commitment
Commitment requires faithfulness
Commitment requires self-sacrifice
Self-sacrifice is an altruistic abstinence
Self-sacrifice is akin to self-denial
Self-denial is also self-abnegation
Self-denial leads to self-improvement
Self-improvement must remove old habits
Self-improvement in Christianity
Christianity as a religion based on beliefs
Christianity based on the teachings of Jesus
Jesus chose to suffer on the cross
Jesus ascended to heaven
Heaven as the throne of God and the holy angels
Heaven as the abode for the righteous dead in the afterlife
Afterlife as a contrast to the belief in “oblivion after death”
Afterlife as a continuation of existence in a spiritual realm
