Love Poem: Jimmy Poem Number 7
Ac Benus Avatar
Written by: Ac Benus

Jimmy Poem Number 7

Poem No. 7

What will they think,
The ones in whose eyes this will be –
From the first seers’ blink
Till long after the end of me.

How long will they wonder
About the nature of this drive
To push paper with inpainted ink asunder,
And this love an eternity to strive.

But they won’t be linked
With we a privileged few,
Who celebrate Nature’s instinct
To sentence us a life with you.

But if they who’ll wonder then
Could see what I see now,
They would never ask again
Why through dulcet words I plow.

Your eyes would show them
Far better than I can do –
One glance would drive them
To desperate pen and paper too.