Love Poem: Jesus' Gift of Salvation Is Free
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Written by: Jim Pemberton

Jesus' Gift of Salvation Is Free

Jesus’ Gift Of Salvation Is Free!

Jesus’ salvation is holy and pure!
He loves us all!  That’s for sure!

We need to love him 
and him alone!
 And allow his love to 
bless our home!

We need his love  
 to help us along…
It’s in his arms,  
 Where our life belongs!

His love is what we need to give.
So that others will his
willingness to forgive!

We need more of his love divine!
His love has stood 
the test of time!

 With his love, our life
is blessed!
His love means everything!
 Let’s not settle for less!

Let’s honor Jesus 
 for who he really is!
He’s given us his love,
And the power to forgive!

He offers a love and joy 
that’s hard to explain…
We can received his salvation, 
when we call on HIS name!

By Jim Pemberton   06/06/16