Love Poem: 'jack the Daw' In Lancashire Dialect
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Written by: Janine Lever

'jack the Daw' In Lancashire Dialect

'JACK the DAW' (In Lancashire Dialect)

Struttin’ and Puffin’ his big chest out,
The streets all clear, when he’s about.
Inside all’doors, waitin’  for’ thump
Families quake and animals jump!

Mam goes to’ door, money in hand
Shakin’ as she stares at his black neck band,
She dares’nt look in his blue black eyes
They say there’s murder an’ spent-up lies.

We just hear his voice, raucous and loud
“Your rent, your rent!” he shouts out proud
An’ all the street kids play
An’ all the street kids say,
Jack the Daw walks down the street
Jack the Daw with his great big feet
Jack the Daw, if he looks your way
Run away, run away, run away, run away!