Love Poem: It Died Last Night
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Written by: Bradley Seltzer

It Died Last Night

His heart pulsated blood, ever-increasing in its forceful exertion. 
His eyes received undeniable images, only he was unable to explain.
His legs weakened, buckled by the tension of this sudden desertion.
His stomach churned, violently spinning into a maelstrom of heartbreak and pain.

She no longer returned the once-wistful caress of her soul.
Her eyes flickered in the light of the genesis of a newfound admiration.
The endearment in her lips slipped away as distant desire took its toll.
She was no longer yearning for comfort in the presence of his station.

In that moment, his intuition awakened him to the dreadful conclusion.
Never again would he feel the authenticity of her pristine adulation.
The prospects of a long life together drifted away into an illusion.
Their blissful present and future were slain through her love’s abdication.

His mind surged with thoughts of retreat into cold isolation.
Yet duty reminded him to remain steadfast to the each of his commitments.
He chose to love unconditionally in spite of this newborn deprivation.
He wondered who else would continue to endeavor in spite of this instance.

He became loathsome of his abandonment of value in himself.
He disregarded reality, and dove deep into an unattainable fantasy.
Once again, fear of abandonment would place his heart on a shelf.
He committed himself to despair then started to relive the night’s travesty.

His face the next morning was drawn and his heart was jaded.
He wondered if she would choose his adoration over her lust.
Slowly, his future and his dreams were overcome and then they faded.
His soul collapsed and crumbled, back to ashes, back to dust.